Helping Out

I don’t know Sanford Owen personally. He owns and runs Carmel Cutlery and Monterey Bay Knives. I have reviewed an EZC them. He seems like a good dude. Recently he lost his brother. His brother, Britton, had two little boys, Logan and Ronin. I am a Dad and I have two little boys, so this loss hit me. Sanford set up a Go Fund Me for his two nephews. You can find it here. I donated $20 personally.

The knife community can be a salty place. We are an opinionated loud bunch. But after the dust settles, I think, fundamentally, we are really good people. So let’s show that. To help with the fundraising I am going to give away three knives.

First up is last’s weeks review knife—the Bestech Tonic. If you read that review and thought to yourself “That’s a sweet blade, I’d love to try it out” here is your chance.

Second is the absolutely beloved Bark River Bravo 1 LT in 3V with custom sheath. This has been my go to fixed blade for years and it does have surface scratches on the blade, but it is hair popping sharp and tougher than a bulletproof vest.

Finally, I am giving away the Bexar from Tactile Knife Co. This is one of the very best knives on the market and I love using it. It got a Perfect 20/20. It has Magnacut. Its so thin it makes an iPhone look chubby.

Here is how you enter to win.

First, go to the Everyday Commentary IG page. Each item will have its own post. Post in the comments section your offer as if it were an auction (in other words, do not post your offer unless it is higher than the previous offer). On Sunday I will contact the person that made highest offer for each item to let them know they won. They then give that amount to the Go Fund Me page and send me an email receipt as proof. This is an honor system thing. I can’t verify you gave to the Go Fund Me, but I trust folks in the Knife Community. Once that’s done, I will ship out the item to the winner at no cost to them. I don’t want to make anything on this and I want all of the money to go to Sanford’s nephews. I don’t even want to handle the cash—just give it to the Go Fund Me.

Let’s do this.